Thursday 12 October 2017

60 Second Short Film Competition Entry And Evaluation

60 Second Short Film Competition Entry And Evaluation

This is my 60 second short film called 'A Bad Day'

60 Second Short Film Evaluation

1. In my film I have included at least 3 camera movements and 2 camera angles but I haven’t included any camera shots as I focused mainly on filming and didn’t take any pictures. I have shown awareness of elements of mise-en-scene by using the book as as props to exaggerate the clumsiness of the character and to add effect. I have only used non-diegetic sound because the sound in the footage wasn't very good or clear so i choose to use music throughout the film instead.

2. If I was asked to do this task again, I would be more prepare and plan my idea more as I quickly picked an easy idea and went along with the idea but I didn’t plan it very well. I would think about what I’m filming and make sure I filmed it landscape instead of portrait. Also, I would make sure I had enough footage for the time frame, even after editing as I thought I had enough footage bot after editing it all, I didn’t have enough. Therefore, I had to go back and film more and I didn’t think about how I would put it together so the cuts fit together better and look more natural as the cuts between scenes are quite obvious in my film, which doesn’t look very professional.

Tuesday 10 October 2017

Analysis Of Katy Perry 'Firework' Music Video

Analysis Of Katy Perry 'Firework' Music Video

The representation of Katy Perry in this video is that she is a pretty, glamorous, young woman who is trying to be a role model for her target audience and encourage them to be confident and do what they want and be who they want to be. She has all her makeup and hair done nicely and is wearing a long, elegant dress. Her target audience are young teens, both boys and girls and the video focuses a lot on her target audience as a lot of the actors used, are representations of some of her target audience. These include, the boy whose parents are arguing and has to look after his younger sister, the girl who is unconfident about her body at the party, the shy 'magician' boy who gets picked on by a group of older boys, the young girl with cancer and the homosexual boy at the party who wants to go and talk to a boy he likes. 

Throughout the video you see their confidence grow as they listen to the lyrics of the song, with the use of animations and editing you can see the firework come out of them to match the lyrics “Cause there’s a spark in you”. They all change after they get this spark and become more comfortable and confident in the environment their in. This is to create a good impression and show the target audience that they can become more confident and shouldn't let anyone get to them.

The camera shots, angle and movements all show a role model representation of Katy Perry through the way they portray her and make her seem more confident by using the high angles, close ups and long shots. Long shots show her long, elegant dress and this shows the girly side of Katy, which a lot of young girls would look up too as she looks almost 'princess' like. The close-ups also express her confidence as you can see it in her face and through her different emotions. It is clear that throughout the video, Katy is trying to create a positive impact on her target audience and encourage them to be who they want, this is achieved through the lyrics and story of the music video.

Word count: 375

Tuesday 3 October 2017